Friday, April 25, 2008

Birding in the Back Yard

Wow. If only my camera would have been charged up. Today we had a flock of Cedar Waxwings visit our yard. As we sat on the back porch all at once about 10 of them came from the trees where we had been watching them down to the bird bath. The bath was encircled by them and more were in the trees. It was a beautiful sight.

We also had an Indigo Bunting as a vistor for a few days.

Of course we have our regulars to the yard, Cardinals, Goldfinch, Downy Woodpeckers, Red-Bellied Woodpeckers, Titmouse and Chickadees.

The Blue Jays have also taken up somewhere in the yard. We used to see them only occasionally but now we have quite a few and they are staying close to the yard and coming to the feeders.

I'm sure I've left a few out and visitors come and go. Spring and warm Southern temperatures are now getting pretty regular so we hope to see many different birds as they migrate to the North and hope many birds will "summer" here from further South.

Our very favorite so far has been this guy...

Thursday, April 3, 2008

Warmer Weather and Longer Days

Hurrah for Springtime. It's no longer dark at dinner time and it's been warm enough to enjoy time out on the back porch some mornings and some evenings. Soon it will be nice enough every morning and evening.

Sarge is back to normal though the vet does not know what was causing his problems. If it flares up again we will have to have x-rays taken of his teeth and jaws.

We nearly got run off the freeway the other day. A woman in an SUV bigger than ours was right beside us and decided to change lanes. This is at about 80 mph. Sam saw it and warned me (I was driving at the time) and I did my best (Thank you Jesus) to not over correct. She never even noticed us. Thankfully the car behind me saw it and slowed down so as I pressed my brakes and moved to the edge the guy behind me didn't hit us. All was well and I of course, being of Irish temperament, sped up, drove up beside her and promptly gave her "what for"!

The driver's down here are truly horrible. All the newcomers to the Project here remark on it no matter what State they are coming here from. You must always drive defensive and expect the worst.

The pollen these past couple of weeks has been very heavy. Everything is covered in green pollen. I'll need to hose off the porches and everything on them this weekend or next. It's good to see all the colorful trees blooming and leaves arriving on the oaks so I guess it's worth the mess it brings. We don't have any colorful plants or trees on our property and Sam and I would both love to plant some. We do have some fragrant white flowers blooming on our plants out front. Our trees are oak and pine but before we can spend any money on trees we really need to plant some grass. First things first.

Life is good and we continue to be blessed. Love, it's a beautiful thing! We hope this finds all readers well and happy in their lives, too.